What to Expect When Sleep Training with Me

  1. Look holistically.

How dark is your room? What’s YOUR child’s natural sleep rhythm vs random age-appropriate wake windows you find online? Low sleep needs or high? What is the environment? Safety? Hit me up for product recommendations. I have a BUNCH of very affordable products and a simple rec can go a long way with babies.

2. Identify main pain points & goals.

Get on the same page with your partner if you have one. If not, hi, I’m your sleep partner. What does your ideal sleep situation look like? What is your attachment style? What is your threshold for fussing or crying (though I do all I can to minimize protest tears and offer gentle, gradual approaches or more traditional ones)? This will help direct me to your method of choice.

3. Track/log sleep for 3-5 days (maybe more)

This is how I can tell if I need to tweak the schedule or troubleshoot (reallocate sleep pressure, adjust bedtime, etc.). It’s not meant to drive you crazy. It’s meant to help a LOT in the long run, trust me, and can help with babies being under-tired, overtired, hungry, fussy behavior, etc. Just commit to it realistically for at least this amount of time, but be ready to track for up to 10 days ;)

4. Book a call with me!

This is a big decision- I totally get that! See what your options are. Good for you for reaching out for support regardless. With me, you’ll get a full assessment, plan, troubleshooting advice, sleep log audit, & text support or a chat + plan- depending on what service you go with. My prices are extremely reasonable and I give 100% to every family I help.

5. Apply new wind-down routine, schedule, & plan

The soothing routine is almost as important as the method itself. We are swapping old associations that are no longer serving us (yes, you will still get to cuddle your baby before bed, duh!!) with new ones that better serve independent, consolidated sleep. It’s what’s healthiest for both you and your baby…and sometimes it’s the little soothing mechanisms that we do that can make all the difference!

6. Apply your method of choice

And let me be there for you, texting you every step of the way. OR opt for the plan and implement it on your own. Realize you want more support? Upgrade to a package. It’s all up to you- your family’s needs, budget, goals, and commitment.

7. Enjoy feeling alive again

Baby will be sleeping through the night with predictable, consolidated naps 🎉❤️… if that’s what your goals are. If you’re just looking for nap trap help or early morning wakings, I’m your gal, too. If you want to keep a night feed, great! I’m flexible- what works for you, works for me too. :)

Thanks for reading! Just know you are not alone. This crap is hard.

There’s more, but check out my site for details.
Free intro call link here:
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The Slumberpod


Infant Sleep Guide & Sample Baby Sleep Schedules from a Pediatric Sleep Coach