See? They did it. So can you! Let’s do this.

  • "I knew it needed to be done, and I wanted it to happen, but to be honest, I knew I couldn’t do it alone. For some reason, this second baby had a hold on me and I was nervous to take the leap into sleep training. Thank goodness I enlisted the help of Jackie. TRULY- I needed the guidance and comfort that she provided. My little one is sleeping through the night- and so am I . He was so ready, and I was the one that was hesitant. Jackie honestly held my hand through it all, giving me science backed info, mom based empathy, and like a friend, broke down how to teach baby to sleep as efficiently as possible in a way that was fair to him, easy on us, and with as little stress and tears as possible. Making the jump is the hardest part. Your baby CAN DO THIS- and with Jackie, you can, too❤️ so go on, just sleep already!!!"

    -Nicholle & Luke Hanley, 8.5 month old

  • "I did not know gentle sleep training methods were a thing. I also didnt know there was a difference between controlled fussing and crying it out. Jackie didn't force us into anything we didnt want to do but we still saw amazing results. Im honestly still a little in shock but we've seen huge improvement over a relatively short amount of time and we cant thank her enough. We caught things before it became a problem and now Mick doesnt need us to go in to get him back to sleep but i can still cuddle him, rock him even. We're so happy and relieved, thank u Jackie!"

    -Kaitlyn & Mick, 5 month-old

  • We cannot recommend Jackie enough! She was recommended to me through another friend - and I am so happy we reached out to her for help. Our baby falls asleep and sleeps through the night independently now - where just a few short weeks ago she was up multiple times a night and needing assistance falling asleep. The progress we have made with Jackie's expertise and guidance is seriously life changing to us. I didn't think it would be possible especially so quickly, but after working with Jackie over about a week - we did it! Thank you Jackie!!!! :)

    Katie Kuretski

  • Working with Jackie was a dream! (Pun intended.) She created and helped us establish a personalized schedule that allowed our 5-month-old to fall asleep quickly and stay asleep for 12 hours at night. She also helped us get our baby girl used to napping in the crib almost right away. We had been rocking her for all her naps for weeks, and were dreading the transition to the crib. But it was so easy with Jackie! Her compassion and humor throughout the process was exactly what we needed for the daunting task of sleep training. I wholeheartedly recommend her services to other exhausted parents. Thank you, Jackie!

    -Lori Bates

  • I have a very strong willed and very attached baby who wanted to nurse to sleep every 2 hours at even 5-6 months old. I was very wary of and did not want to do cry it out like extinction or Ferber. I also needed more 1:1 helps rather than group sessions and reading endless materials. I am so glad we went with Jackie. Jackie is knowledgeable, patient, compassionate, thorough and very responsive. Baby was not easy to sleep train but Jackie problem solved with us. She provided personalized plans and great resources. she even worked with us to split the consultation time due to travel plans and also helped me with sleep during travel. We are sleeping much better thanks to her. I would highly recommend her!

    -Gunjan Antaal

  • We are so grateful that we found Jackie! We did the VIP package because my husband and I really didn’t want to do the cry it out method, and wanted a gentle/attachment parenting style of sleep training. Jackie helped us every step of the way. Now our baby girl sleeps (most nights!) 10-11.5 hours overnight and 1.5 hours for her naps. Jackie was so kind and knowledgeable, she helped us figure out a plan that would work for us, and helped us make adjustments along the way. I highly recommend working with her!

    Lauren Carder Fox

  • After just a few days of working with Jackie, our 5.5 month old was sleeping 12 hours through the night! Prior to working with her, I’d be stuck in the rocking chair for naps 6+ hours a day and now he is putting himself to sleep for all naps and bedtime. Truly has changed my whole parenting experience for the better!! Can’t recommend enough.

    -Gabrielle Adamowicz

  • Jackie provided us with invaluable support when navigating our baby's sleep! She made a customized plan for us in line with our priorities, our comfort levels and the needs of our baby. Within a matter of two days we saw an enormous improvement, and a week later we were all such a happy family. I'd recommend Jackie for anyone who is losing their sanity and asking themselves, "When does this finally get easier?!" Life is so much better and our baby is so much happier now that everyone is getting good sleep!

    Alisa Zipursky

  • “I didn’t realize how badly I needed sleep until I finally got it. The whole family is happier and healthier, both physically and mentally. Jackie changed our lives and I didn't have to compromise my attachment style or do anything drastic. She was flexible and easy to work with, but also made sure she lovingly held us accountable enough to reach out goals towards more independent sleep for our firey baby boy!! THANK YOU! ”

    -Jen & Luca Hill, 6 month-old

  • "Jackie literally changed my life. She walked me through why my current situation was not working and how to fix it. Learning how to let go and teach your baby to self-soothe isn't easy. But with her guidance and support, my family was able to finally get the rest it desperately needed. My little one now sleeps through the night!! And so do we. I can't thank her enough. "

    — Crystal F.

  • "Game-changer. Got my strong-willed toddler to sleep without Hulk-ing around in his room and running into our bed. We can finally enjoy our evenings again. Even the dog sleeps better now, I swear."

    — Enrique S.

  • "No gimmicks. Nothing I could have learned on the internet. One-on-one guidance on how to get our 8 month to sleep in his own room, in his crib. Sleep schedules, recommendations, the whole nine yards. We were up all hours of the night, several times a night, and quickly losing our minds along the way. Jackie helped get our family back on track- thanks Jackie."

    — Jimmy D.