3 Signs Your Toddler is NOT Ready for a Big Kid Bed

So, you've decided it's time to pack away your toddler’s crib and welcome them to the world of big kid beds. Congratulations, you brave (maybe even deranged) soul! Whether you have been waiting for a certain age to make the crib-to-bed transition, or you found yourself in the aisles of Target obsessing over the cutest kids’ bedspreads, the journey of toddler bed transitions is a wild ride. 

Transitioning toddlers to a bed is like trying to navigate a minefield while wearing clown shoes – it's bound to be a little chaotic and stressful. And if you thought toddlerhood was full of surprises, just wait until you introduce them to their new sleeping arrangement. Cue the midnight parties!

Toddler seen here using his birthday balloon as a “big boy pillow” (classic bedtime stalling tactic)

While I’m all for upgrading your child’s digs, I’ve seen time and time again that making the big kid bed transition too soon can literally make you second guess every decision you’ve made in life. So before you spend your entire paycheck on Peppa Pig bed sheets – that your child will say they love in the store but hate once they get home – here are signs that your toddler might not be quite ready to make the leap from crib to bed.

Your Toddler May Not Be Ready for a Big Kid Bed If They Refuse to Stay in Bed

Just when you settle in with your glass of wine and cue up Love is Blind, suddenly you hear the pitter-patter of little feet padding down the hallway. You peek into your toddler's room to find them perched on the edge of their bed, wide awake and ready to party. It's like they've been waiting all day for the main event – bedtime, schmedtime!

And so begins the bedtime marathon, where your toddler becomes a master of the art of delay tactics. They'll request one more story, one more sip of water, and one more rendition of their favorite lullaby – anything to prolong the inevitable. It's enough to make even the most patient parent question their sanity.

Mom seen here lost the battle of toddler’s TV Time VS Mom’s preferred Nap Time.

For some toddlers, staying in bed after you tuck them in is as elusive as finding a unicorn in your backyard – you've heard it's possible, but you're not holding your breath. They view bedtime as more of a suggestion than a rule, and they'll seize any opportunity to test the boundaries of their newfound freedom.

If your child has a difficult time understanding that they need to stay in bed once bedtime comes, they may not be developmentally ready for this freedom. And hey, that’s okay! Typically, it isn’t until the age of 3 that many children can developmentally understand this concept, so hold on to the crib as long as possible.

Already made the jump to the big kid bed? It’s never too late to go back to the crib! I promise, your child won’t feel any sort of shame or embarrassment for returning to the crib. They will feel safe and secure!

Your Toddler May Not Be Ready for a Big Kid Bed If They’re Happy in Their Crib

One surefire sign that your toddler might not be quite ready to bid farewell to their crib is if they're perfectly content to stay put in it. While this might seem counterintuitive – after all, isn't the goal to transition them to a big kid bed? – it's actually a sign that they're not feeling the pressure to move on just yet.

Baby seen here sticking tongue out at this whole “big kid bed” stuff.

Think about it: why would they want to leave the cozy confines of their crib, where they feel safe and secure, for the unknown territory of a big bed? It's like asking them to trade in their favorite stuffed animal for a new, unfamiliar toy – it just doesn't compute.

There is no age requirement for when your toddler needs to move from the crib to a big kid bed, so if they are sleeping well in their crib, just let them!

Especially if your toddler shows little interest in upgrading to a bed, don't force the issue. Instead, let them take the lead and make the transition on their own terms. After all, there's plenty of time for them to make the move when they're ready. Until then, enjoy the peace and quiet of knowing that they're snug as a bug in their crib, where they are safe.

Your Toddler May Not Be Ready for a Big Kid Bed If They Struggle with Sleep

Another sign that your toddler might not be ready for a big kid bed is if they're already having trouble with sleep in their crib. If your little one is taking hours to fall asleep, waking up frequently throughout the night, or protesting their naps, it could indicate that they're not quite ready to make the transition.

Moving to a big bed is a big change, and it's important for your child to be in a good place sleep-wise before taking that step. If they're already struggling to get the rest they need in their crib, making the switch to a bed could exacerbate the issue and lead to even more sleepless nights for both of you. Instead of hanging out in their crib when they’re protesting their nap, they will now have free range in their room, or even the house (dear god, no!),  if you don’t secure the room.

WFH Baby seen here taking emails over sleeping

Before making any decisions about transitioning to a bed, take some time to address any existing sleep issues your child may be experiencing. Establishing a consistent bedtime routine, creating a calm and soothing sleep environment, and addressing any underlying sleep disturbances can help set the stage for a smoother transition when the time is right.

Transitioning your toddler to a big kid bed is a major milestone, and it's rarely ever smooth sailing. If your little one is showing signs that they might not be quite ready for the switch, like refusing to stay in bed, being content in their crib, or struggling with sleep, it's important to take a step back and reassess the situation. Remember, every child is different, and there's no rush to make the transition before your child is ready.

If you've already made the switch to a big bed and are struggling to make it work, or if you simply want to get a better handle on your child's sleep to ensure a seamless transition, just hire me. Together, we can create a personalized plan tailored to your child's unique needs and your family's lifestyle. With the right guidance and support, you can help your child develop healthy sleep habits and make the transition to their big kid bed with confidence.

My make-up artist telling me I need more “lip”

Talk about a dream, am I right? Reach out to me for more support HERE!




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