Get to know us.

  • Jackie Viscusi


    I’m Jackie Viscusi, a Certified Pediatric Sleep Consultant, parent wellness advocate, and (once sleep-deprived) mother of two littles. Not only do I want to get your baby to sleep on their own, but I want your family to sleep better as a whole.

    I believe in being in tune with your baby’s wants and needs, as well as your own. I don’t subscribe to arbitrary times, rules, or schedules. Instead, I meet your family where you are.

    No matter if you want a gentle, gradual approach or need immediate relief from sleep deprivation, I use evidence-based, results-driven methods that will conquer your family’s specific goals, which we create together. Consistency is important, but I am also a BIG fan of flexibility. Because life… ya know?

    You’re not doing anything “wrong.” But whatever’s happening is not working anymore for you. And that’s okay. It’s good to reach out for help. I got you.

  • Kaylee Smith


    Hi, I'm Kaylee. I'm a mom, a registered pediatric nurse, a certified pediatric nurse practitioner, and a certified breastfeeding counselor. With nearly eight years of experience in pediatrics, I expected the transition to parenthood to be smooth sailing, but I was wrong.

    Coping with sleepless nights and postpartum anxiety was tough. After studying sleep strategies, techniques, and self-care, things improved significantly, and I started to enjoy all aspects of parenthood.

    As a mom myself, I’m dedicated to creating a supportive community for parents where we can navigate the ups and downs of parenthood together.

  • Nicole Morales


    Hi, I'm Nicole. I'm here to guide you and your little ones toward the restful sleep you all deserve!

    I understand the challenges and frustrations that come with sleepless nights and disrupted routines. That's why I've made it my life's mission to specialize in Pediatric Sleep, Newborn & Infant Care and Postpartum. These skills have equipped me with the latest research and gentle, effective techniques. With a strong background in child development, experience as a newborn care specialist, and years of working closely with families, I take a personalized approach to sleep. I recognize your child's unique personality and individual needs, and together, we'll craft a customized sleep plan tailored to your family's lifestyle and preferences. My goal is to empower you with the knowledge and tools to confidently tackle sleep challenges. From understanding newborn sleep patterns to navigating nap transitions and bedtime battles, I've got you covered every step of the way.

International Association of Child Sleep Consultants logo
Infant Sleep Consulting Professional logo

Jackie’s Personal Story

After both of my babies were born, I was hit with bad postpartum depression and anxiety, both exacerbated by sleep deprivation. My husband and I were struggling to function properly at work. I was constantly on edge and could not catch my breath. If I could only get some quality sleep, I thought. My sister-in-law suggested hiring a sleep consultant. Apparently, our cousin had found incredible relief after using one for their family. I scoffed. “It’s a gimmick,” I thought.

Is baby sleep consulting really a thing?

Turns out, the answer is a resounding YES. My husband and I were being awoken 3-6 times a night for anywhere from 30 minutes to two hours each time. Naps were also a hot mess. But I still didn’t want to do “cry it out.” I wanted to be able to comfort my baby. I didn’t realize that I most definitely still could. Moreso, even. Some parents could relate, but others couldn’t. “Really? My baby just…slept.” I would just smile and bite my tongue, while thinking to myself, “Well, good for YOU!” But, that wasn’t the story for me.

Getting help was like NIGHT and DAY.

After 8 months of constant night wakings, around-the-clock breastfeeding, feeling down, anxious, and unable to concentrate, I finally decided to reach out to the consultant. What did I have to lose other than a few bucks? It was one of the best decisions I’ve ever made. Two days in, our baby began sleeping through the night. Naps fell into place. Not only did our sleep coach guide us through the sleep training process, but she also provided me with much-needed emotional support along the way. I was able to apply the skills I learned from my firstborn to my second child and avoid tears altogether. Our family is healthier, happier, and much more RESTED now. And I realized…

Oh, wow.

Parents need a good pediatric sleep consultant on hand.

I wanted to share my knowledge and help families through the dreaded sleep-deprived phase of parenthood. In addition to working as a marketing professional, I became certified in Family & Pediatric Sleep Consulting. I now provide sleep management, coaching, and emotional support to parents. I also offer mental health resources to get parents back on track emotionally after recovering from sleep deprivation and/or PMADs (Perinatal Mood Disorders). I have lived in NYC for 6 years, in LA for 5, and am now based in South Florida. I provide help to families remotely all across the country. I am extremely passionate about empowering parents through some of the toughest transitions of life and I absolutely love what I do. I am a toddler & infant sleep consultant working for the entire family. I can’t wait to help you get the rest you need and deserve!